Motorola it is, then.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Wow, it has been a month since I last posted! You guys must be dying to know what I have been doing for the past month? Well, if not, buat2 je la macam nak tau...

Okay, 1st things 1st, I won the Winning Eleven 9 PS2 competition in Sunway Pyramid that I mentioned in the last post. Well, I didn't actually win, coz I got only 2nd place. But I won some prize money, so you might consider that I won the competition lah. ;)

Next, I won't want to bore you about what I do everyday, since they are pretty much the same. Work life... what do you expect? It's the same ol' boring thing almost every day. Suffice to say that it is very boring. Boring but overwhelming. Remeh kan? Keje bosan & simple, tapi banyak sangat sampai tak larat.

Due to that fact, and also due to the nature of my work here in Panasonic, which is R&D but not really much of the "R" or Research, I'm considering to take up Motorola R&D's offer. Actually I already confirmed to them that I'll be joining them on 12th June 2006. But since the reporting date is quite a long way away (3 months from now), I'll be searching for other jobs that are closer to home and are better than my current one in Panasonic; if I'm offered one of them, then I'll most probably take it.

It's not to say that Motorola is my backup choice, coz it's not: I like the job there. I contacted people who are working there (my friends' friends), and got 2nd hand experience from them via their explanation about the job they do there. It is very interesting and rewarding, experience-wise. Best of all, they have creative design freedom - anyone can give any sort of ideas that can start the design from scratch: not like Panasonic where they limit that kind of stuff to the Japanese HQ. And they leave us Malaysian staff here with only simple modifications to the current lineup of compressors that are customised to the customers' needs.

But it's just that Motorola is in Penang. That is the only stumbling block to me totally accepting the offer with open arms. Nevertheless, I'll accept the offer if no other good offers come my way. After all, some of my friends are working in Penang, so I won't be totally alone. And make no mistake: I'll really be INTO the job 100%, not like how I am currently with Panasonic. I don't like my work here in Panasonic. At the very least, I gained some work life experience in Panasonic that I can use to expect how working life is in Motorola. Hopefully it'll make me a better person.

As such, I'm planning to resign from Panasonic in early April before my probation period ends on 12th April 2006. Within the probation period, I only have a resignation notice period of 2 weeks, as compared to after the probation period, which would be a month. I just can't seem to handle the fact that I would need to stay on for a month before I can really move away from Panasonic, especially since I've only been here for just 2 months. I won't like what people would be saying about me later... mesti ada suara2 sumbang yang akan cakap "Apa ni keje sekejap je dah nak berenti?", etc, etc. 2 weeks should be more than enough torture.

Now is my time to save as much money as possible from my salaries so that it can be used during my time in Penang. :)

Posted by Nikman Shah at 11:01 am



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